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The Behes Buzz

A Parent’s Perspective: Why I Send My Child to Behes Tournaments

happy students holding medals

As a parent, I’m always on the lookout for ways to help my child grow, and Behes turned out to be something truly special.

When I first heard about it, I thought it was just another extracurricular activity, something that would look good on a college application. But I quickly realized it was so much more, especially in the context of school debates in India.

After my child’s first Behes tournament, I noticed a real change. It wasn’t just about learning to speak in front of an audience—Behes was teaching my child how to think deeper, express their thoughts clearly, and confidently hold their ground in a discussion. The experience didn’t just impact them in debates; I could see the difference at home and in school too. They started asking more thoughtful questions, engaging in more meaningful conversations, and became more sure of themselves. Their growth in public speaking was evident, and it showed in how they handled various situations.

One of the things I love most about Behes is the environment. Yes, the competition is tough, but it’s also so supportive. The kids aren’t just focused on winning; they’re learning from each other, working together, and getting valuable feedback that pushes them to improve. Every round is a chance to learn, not just about debating but about themselves. It’s no wonder Behes is considered among the best school debate platforms in India.

As a parent, there’s nothing better than seeing your child come out of an experience feeling proud of what they’ve achieved, whether they win or not. Behes has given my child a sense of purpose and confidence that I see in their daily life, from how they handle school assignments to how they speak up for themselves in different situations. For us, Behes isn’t just a debate tournament—it’s been a platform for growth, self-discovery, and lifelong skills.