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The Behes Buzz

The Behes Experience: A Debater's Journey

students sitting and writing

Behes isn’t just about winning debates; it’s about personal growth. I still remember my first Behes round. My hands were shaking, my heart was racing, and I wasn’t sure if I’d even be able to speak.

The motions felt impossible to argue, the judges looked serious, and my competition seemed way too confident. But as the rounds went on, something shifted. I found my voice, my confidence grew, and I realized I was part of a larger community of people who loved to think and debate as much as I did. This experience is a testament to how school debates can transform a student’s perspective on public speaking.

As an adjudicator, you start to see debates differently. It’s not just about who made the best points anymore; you notice how speakers build their arguments, how they think on their feet when challenged, and how teams work together under pressure. It’s amazing to watch them grow, and every time I sit through a round, I can’t help but think about how far I’ve come and how much these debaters will learn along the way.

Behes taught me more than just how to speak in public. It showed me how to research, think deeply about issues, and most importantly, understand the other side of an argument. You learn that debating isn’t just about being right, but about seeing the bigger picture. Every round brings a new challenge—whether it’s defending a position you don’t agree with or finding the right way to respond when things don’t go your way. This kind of experience is what makes Behes one of the best school debate platforms.

What makes Behes special, though, are the people. The friends you make, the inside jokes shared during long breaks between rounds, and the way everyone, including the adjudicators, pushes you to get better. Behes isn’t just a place where you debate; it’s where you grow, not just as a debater but as a person. It’s about finding your voice, learning how to work as a team, and discovering the power of your own potential. For anyone interested in school debates in India, Behes offers an unmatched opportunity to hone your public speaking skills and be part of one of the best school debate communities.